Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Bead Soup

In der "Bead Soup Party" organisiert von Lori Anderson , Viele Dank an sie! war meine Partnerin Sharon. Diese tolle "Perlen-suppe" habe ich von ihr bekommen. Ich finde diese Farbkombination ganz toll. Mal sehen was ich daraus werkeln werde :) Seht euch unbedingt mal Sharon´s schönen Blog an :)

In the "Bead Soup Party" organized by Lori Anderson , Big thanks to her! i was paired with Sharon. This is the jummi bead soup I get from her :). It´s such a great colour combination. Some of the beads have a isteresting sharpening, i never see before. See what i do with them. Look on Sharon´s beautiful blog :)

this is the soup I send her a bit naturally-, sea-, oceanmix.
I´m excited to see what Sharon do with them.

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